Register as a charity runner for the BC Cancer Foundation, the largest funder of cancer research in the province, and join us in going Beyond Belief — our recently launched health campaign to raise $500 million to transform cancer care in B.C.
Together we will invest in BC Cancer scientists and clinicians so they can continue their world-impacting work, and help our province attract and retain top talent. We will fund innovation, deepening our global understanding of cancer and uncovering new treatment options. And accelerate access to these cutting-edge treatment options closer to home for all British Columbians.
British Columbians continue to be offered some of the best cancer care in Canada, if not the world, because of breakthroughs made right here at home. Over the years, donor-fuelled BC Cancer achievements have made significant impacts to cancer prevention and care — these include:
- The development of a first-of-its kind test which uses just a tablespoon of blood and provides doctors unprecedented insight into patients’ cancer make-up — increasing the opportunity to select more personalized treatment options.
- The discovery of a life-saving new prevention strategy for ovarian cancer, opportunistic salpingectomy (OS), which removes the fallopian tubes, where ovarian cancer often originates, and is now used world-wide.
- The first in Canada to launch a province-wide lung cancer screening program, providing access to eligible high-risk individuals at 36 sites across the province.
With your help the BC Cancer Foundation will proudly support the next wave of advancements, providing increased access to care and new hope to families across B.C. facing this disease. Here’s how:
- Expand services across the Fraser Valley by supporting a new Surrey cancer centre, based in a government-funded hospital, to accommodate the rapid growth in the region.
- Build on BC Cancer – Kelowna’s systemic therapy space to increase treatment capacity by 40%.
- Develop a world-class immunotherapy clinic on Vancouver Island, ensuring patients have access to the latest game-changing cancer treatments.
- Help establish the province’s first stand-alone supportive care clinic in Vancouver that offers crucial mental health and family counselling services to cancer patients, and will act as a model for BC Cancer’s other five centres going forward.
- Support the pioneering precision radiation therapy (RT) research at BC Cancer – Prince George, offering more opportunities for patients in northern communities to participate in new clinical trials.
Please join our team as one of our BC Cancer Foundation runners and help us change the outcome for the one in two British Columbians who will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.
To learn more, visit bccancerfoundation.com.