Community Charity Spotlight: Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC

Vancouver, BC – January 7, 2013

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Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC

For over 75 years Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC (BGC) has been giving children and youth something they deserve: a safe place to belong when they aren’t at home or at school. To kids, their Club feels like a place where they can hang out with their friends, and make new ones! But it’s so much more. It’s a place that provides them with three of the things they need most: a sense of belonging, a sense of success, and positive relationships. That happens through a wide range of activities that are not only of interest to kids, but that are good for them, too: sports, homework, safe access to the on-line world, arts, crafts, and of course, sharing meals.

In addition to our Clubs, we  offer a summer camping adventure at Camp Potlatch, youth and family counselling, substance abuse services, employment services, and parent support and early years programs.

Annually, we serve more than 10,000 children, youth, and families — and no one is ever turned away due to an inability to pay. No one.

Please check out our full list of programs and services:  www.bgcsouthcoastbc.ca.

Donate to Great Causes

The Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC do amazing things for our community and the communities they serve. Support them and give back by making a donation during registration. To make additional donations after registration or to invite family and friends to donate, visit our Donate Now page. Thank you for helping to make a great impact for our community!

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