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Cause We Care Foundation
Being a mother, under any circumstance, can have its challenges. But being a single mother, with no resources, support or means is not only daunting but physically and emotionally taxing beyond belief. Trying to provide the basics for your children, such as healthy food, bus fare and a safe and affordable place to live is to next impossible when you live in poverty. In a city as expensive at Vancouver, making ends meet as a single mother is extremely difficult if not impossible.
Cause We Care Foundation was started in an effort to assist single mothers living in poverty in our community. Since our inception, we have provided basic supplies to thousands of needy single mothers and their children in the city of Vancouver and surrounding area. In addition to providing basic supplies through our annual Supply Drives, we are committed to providing safe, affordable and supportive housing for mothers and their children. We have partnered with the YWCA and are fundraising for the YWCA Cause We Care House, a new 22 unit subsidized housing facility, slated to open in the spring of 2015 in Strathcona area of Vancouver, on top of a new public library.
Finally, we are committed to providing assistance and emergency funds for those that need it most.
One particular woman we helped is Nania. Nania has an eight year old daughter. Through various changes in her living circumstances and no support from the father, Nania found herself with her daughter in Vancouver, moving from one unsafe, insect and rodent filled apartment to another, trying to make ends meet. With much forethought and to provide she and her daughter with a future of financial self-sustainability, Nania went back to school. Going to school while looking after children and working to cover living expenses and school tuition, is not for the faint of heart.
We at Cause We Care Foundation strive to provide a hand-up rather than a hand-out and last year helped Nania pay her last portion of tuition so she could graduate and become financially independent. Nania’s story along with what we try to achieve at Cause We Care is summarized in the video below.
When you support Cause We Care Foundation, you are supporting women and children’s potential future; one that provides a more empowered and independent life through opportunities for successful positive change.
For more information, please visit our website at: www.causewecare.org
Donate to Great Causes
Cause We Care Foundation does amazing things for our community and the communities they serve. Support them and give back by making a donation during registration. To make additional donations after registration or to invite family and friends to donate, visit our Donate Now page. Thank you for helping to make a great impact for our community!