First large post-pandemic Marathon in CanadaCelebrating the 50th Anniversary of Vancouver’s only Marathon event, non-profit event organizers RUNVAN® are incredibly happy to announce a new record number of runners. 18,500 runners from all over Canada and more than 60 different countries have joined for the Marathon’s first post-pandemic event.
“It looks like a great weekend to celebrate five decades of this event,” adds Jason Pires of CTV Morning Live and Bell Media. “Vancouver’s only Marathon event with its rich history dates back to 1972 when 32 finishers completed five laps at Stanley Park. The event has grown a lot since then, this year it has reached over 18,500 total runners.”
“If I had to choose one word to describe the Vancouver Marathon it would be – resilience,” adds long-time Board Member, Dave Doroghy. “We bounced back and we made it. We are here, we survived. We have done it for 50 years. We are resilience as an organization, as a city, and as an event.”
To help honour the 50th anniversary of the Vancouver Marathon, the event added tongue depressors, originally presented to recognize finisher placements. “They are the origin of the Vancouver International Marathon. If it weren’t for those visionaries, we wouldn’t be here today,” says Doroghy.“What I love about marathons is the energy of the community that makes it happen,” adds Dave Doroghy.
“This is an event that grows organically. Vancouver is a running town that loves running and activity and outdoor recreation. Vancouver is the most beautiful city in the world. I get excited just thinking about the experience the people coming to Vancouver will have.”

“Everybody in Vancouver, in the province, and in Canada, knows about these races and it helped propel my career forward as an elite athlete,” adds Olympian Natasha Wodak. “I’m very grateful for the opportunity to race here in Canada, in my backyard, in Vancouver – one of the most beautiful cities in the world.”
“As elite athletes, we don’t make a lot of money, and we are training full-time, trying to go to the Olympics. So, when we have races locally that help support us, it is just amazing, and it makes a big difference. For those times that I won it and I was able to get that prize money, it made a big difference for me. I was able to work less and concentrate on my training, and ultimately, I did go to the Olympics, twice.”
“This time, I will be in the race in the Half Marathon, in the mix,” adds Wodak, who will be pacing a friend. “I will not be in the front as an Elite, so I am going to experience the race just like everybody else, and I am really excited about that.”
Over 18,500 runners registered for this year’s event, the most in the event’s rich history. City of Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart officially proclaimed May 1, 2022, ‘BMO Vancouver Marathon 50th Anniversary Day’.
Anthony and James who got married mid-Marathon will also be in the mix celebrating their anniversary. Olympian Evan Dunfee will also return to race walk amongst the sea of runners. Charity runners like Charlie’s Angels, who’ve raised over $30,000 for Canuck Place this year, will also be part of the fantastic community event. Overall, the RUN4HOPE charity program has helped runners raise over $16 million for charity.
Fans are encouraged to take part, submit a cheer for the BMO Cheer Screen, and join the Street Festival presented by Downtown Vancouver BIA. Fans may also watch the event online and live track runners. In fact, the last time the BMO Vancouver Marathon was held live, runners were live tracked from 98 different countries. Canada’s top destination race has truly grown into one of the top international marathons in the world.
Please note of temporary road closures in effect throughout the City for the event’s 50th Anniversary. Vancouver’s only Marathon event is held annually on the first Sunday of May.
With the support of nearly 3,000 volunteer, the local non-profit RUNVAN® is proud to continue this fantastic community event. To learn more and take part, visit: