6-13 year Kids Run is still open. Marathon, Half Marathon and 8KM are at capacity. No waitlist, no exceptions. Event capacity is limited to deliver an optimal race experience for all. Bibs may not be transferred or resold for legal and liability reasons. Registered runners may apply for a Deferral Discount.
Race Month: May
In-person : Sunday, May 4, 2025
The BMO Vancouver Marathon and Half Marathon are held annually on the first Sunday of May.
Virtual Race : April 1 – May 31
You may run your Virtual Races anytime between April 1 and May 31. Go for a Brooks Run Combo or go for the Dynasty by running four race distances. You may use the shorter distances as training. You’ll earn a Brooks bonus prize if you combo races and special medal if you go for the Dynasty.
Safety is Priority
Please be respectful and follow all event restrictions. Safety continues to be a top priority for event organizers, and RUNVAN® has updated its race offerings to support the return of in-person racing.
Event organizers will continue to closely monitor all health guidelines and follow the appropriate regulations. Event details are always subject to change, as permits are subject to the approval from governing bodies. RUNVAN® has various event plans that will be adjusted according to the official guidelines of the Provincial Health Officer, City of Vancouver, and Vancouver Parks Board, to support the in-person event.
Registration Includes:
- Tech tee for all registered runners or the new Green Bib option to forgo the race shirt
- Medal options with unique designs
- Results, leaderboard, and more
- Brooks bonus item when you combo races
- Souvenir options from Brooks Running
- Show Your Bib for even more bonus offers
Combo and Dynasty champs, you may run your races in any order, on any day, throughout the months of April and May! Dynasty runners earn a bonus medal included with registration.

You may add the BMO Vancouver Marathon Podium Jacket during race registration. From Brooks Running, this new Canopy Jacket is a lightweight, packable layer that provides reliable protection from wind and rain while staying breathable. These commemorative items will be available exclusively from Running Room during the event’s Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo!
Limited in quantity. Order online to secure yours. Souvenir jackets will only be available for pickup during the BMO Vancouver Marathon Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo.
- 99% Recycled materials
- Wind and water protection: Breathable DriLayer® Seal fabric lets excess heat out without letting the elements in
- Improved packability: Updated so the whole jacket stuffs into a built-in backpack integrated with the back of the garment
- Zip-secure pockets
- Elastic at wrists to keep elements out
- New cinch adjustability for stay-put, stowable hood

See the world in polarized colour with the souvenir sunnies – some of the lightest, most comfortable running sunglasses from MarsQuest. Please note souvenir sunglass purchases made with registration are non-refundable, non-exchangeable, and only available for pickup pre-race by the MarsQuest Booth at this year’s BMO Vancouver Marathon Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo. Thank you.
Brooks Run Combos
Brooks Run Combo registrants will also receive a bonus prize from RUNVAN and Brooks Running! This fun new design will be printed on the Brooks Running Podium short-sleeve shirt in the colour combo previewed below. Combo and Dynasty champs, you may run your races in any order, on any day, throughout the months of April and May! Dynasty runners earn a bonus medal included with registration.
Join Vancouver’s only Marathon event. RUNVAN® offers several race services including pre-race gear check, entertainment, on-course aid stations, official Start Line, Finish Line, timing and race results.
You may run, walk or stroll your race distance at your own pace and at a time and location of your choice, following the guidelines of your local health authorities. You may choose your own race day and your own starting line, whether it’s a treadmill, a park, your neighbourhood streets or Seawall. For the Virtual Race, you’re asked to please find your own pedestrian friendly route. The below info is for the in-person race. To learn more about the Virtual Race options, please visit
All registered runners are assigned a corral according to estimated finish time. Wear your bib on the front of your shirt with your name and bib number clearly visible. This also allows you to easily order your official race photos!
All entrants must have a valid race bib. For safety and liability reasons, bibs are non-transferable. Unofficial transfers are subject to bans. Thank you for understanding.
From the Participant Dashboard, you may also switch race distances, space permitting. You’ll need your Confirmation Number, found via Email Confirmation or the BMO Vancouver Marathon Race Roster Participant Dashboard and tab ‘Edit Registration’. The deadline to customize bibs is Wednesday, April 10.
Package Pickup is available the Friday and Saturday immediately before the race at the Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo. Switches are possible at the Solutions Desk space permitting. Package Pickup is not available on race day. Virtual runners may opt-in and pay for shipping within Canada and the US.
- Friday, May 2, 11am-7pm
- Saturday, May 3, 10am-5pm
- Vancouver Convention Centre East, 999 Canada Pl
All runners must collect their own kits during the Package Pickup hours. Race day pickup is not an option. Runners will be required to present their Bib Number and Photo ID.
Shipping is not available for in-person races as race bibs with timing chips will not be mailed, and not available outside of Canada and the United States due to high and extremely variable shipping costs. Thanks for understanding. Please consider visiting our beautiful city and destination event in May.
Details subject to change. Note: Shirt sizes are not guaranteed, so visit the Expo early. Thank you for understanding.
Featuring great vendors, the Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo is open to the public.
Tech tee
Pre-purchased Souvenirs
Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo
The Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo is a two-day extravaganza of excitement and celebration that kicks off Marathon weekend in Canada’s most active city. Located at the stunning Vancouver Convention Centre along the waterfront, the event is free and open to all. Meet lots of great vendors featuring the latest fitness gear, health and performance tips, and taste-test a vast array of free samples. Experience energizing activations and displays from top lifestyle and running brands.
Expo runs race week only, Friday, 11am-7pm, and Saturday, 10am-5pm.
Elite Athlete Panel, Saturday, 12pm. Hear from top Elite contenders.
LOCATION : Vancouver Convention Centre East, 999 Canada Pl.
TravelSmart to the Start Line
The Marathon and Half Marathon share a Start Line inside Queen Elizabeth Park and is easily accessible by public transit on the Canada Line. Runners are provided transit tickets at the Expo.
- Marathon runners are suggested to utilize Oakridge-41st station
- Half Marathon are suggested to get off at King Edward station
- Passenger drop-off is suggested near Main St & E 30th Ave
The 8KM Start Line is located inside Stanley Park. Runners may utilize Gear Check services near the Finish Line in Downtown Vancouver race morning, then catch a shuttle to the Start Line.
- 8KM Gear Check is located at Burrard & W Pender St.
- 8KM shuttles depart every 10min from 7:30am-8:30am.
8KM Start Line is inside Stanley Park on Lagoon Dr
When is the Marathon?
In-Person : Sunday, May 4, 2025
- Half Marathon : 7am start (Queen Elizabeth Park)
- Marathon : 8:30am start (Queen Elizabeth Park)
- 8KM : 9:30am start (Stanley Park)
Virtual Race : April 1 – May 31
- Marathon, Half Marathon, 8KM, 5KM, Brooks Run Combo and Dynasty options
Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo : Friday, May 2, and Saturday, May 3
- Includes Marathon and Half Marathon Gear Check
Kids Run : Saturday, May 3
- Kids Run : 11am start (Ceperley Park)
Please arrive early for your in-person race. We encourage all to arrive at least 45 minutes early.
Before the race, head to the Start Line and into your designated corral, which can be found on your race bib. Please give yourself plenty of time to get to your corral.
Runners must use the clear Gear Check Bag provided at Expo, and all items must be visible. Backpacks or items that restrict the view of contents inside the clear bag will not be accepted for security reasons.
The intent of Gear Check is to provide yourself with dry, warm clothes after the race. Valuables should not be checked. Marathon and Half Marathon runners may Gear Check exclusively at the Expo. Bring to the Expo the change of clothes you’d like to pre-check. 8KM runners should arrive with designated Gear Check Bags already packed prior to arriving at the event to speed up the process. There is NO Gear Check at any of the Start Lines.
- Marathon and Half Marathon Gear Check is only available pre-race at the Health, Sports & Lifestyle Expo on the Friday or Saturday before the race. There is NO Gear Check at the Start Line.
- 8KM Gear Check is only available race morning near Burrard and W Pender, 7:30am-8:30am. There is NO Gear Check at any of the Start Lines.
- Place all items you’d like checked into your Gear Check bag. No loose items
- Detach the tear-off tag at the bottom of your race bib
- Attach your tear-off tag securely to the outside of your bag, near the top
- Hand your one tagged bag to the volunteers at Gear Check at the Expo
Do not check any valuables. Although RUNVAN will do its best to ensure your gear is waiting for you at the end of the race, the non-profit is not responsible for potentially lost or damaged items.
Gear Pickup for all runners may be found after the Finish Line at the Street Festival. Show your race bib to collect your checked bag after you finish. Any items left unclaimed will be donated. Change rooms will be available.
Consistent with almost all major Marathons with point-to-point courses, the Sun Run and GranFondo locally, Start Line Gear Check is not offered. Please plan ahead and enjoy an unforgettable race experience.
Event Protocols
Please follow all event protocols so we may safely host this outdoor flow through event in-person.
- Corrals will be colour coded based on your estimated finish time
- Spacing is requested of individuals to maintain a safe physical distance
- Health checks are encouraged, please race safely
Start Line
Please arrive early to enter your corral and enjoy the positive Start Line experience:
- Corrals will be colour coded based on your estimated finish time
- Please line up in your designated corral ahead of your scheduled Start Time
- To stay warm at the Start Line, you may consider wearing an extra layer to take off before the race starts. Note: Any clothing left near the Start Line will be donated to charity. Gear Check is NOT available at any of the Start Lines per the industry norm with point-to-point courses, the Sun Run and GranFondo locally.
Green Pledge
Please help us keep the event green and environmentally friendly.
- Dispose of goods such as cups, gels, etc. only in proximity of the aid stations on-course
- Do not dispose of masks oncourse, these should be kept with you at all times
- Do not dispose of any items on bridges, along the Seawall, or close to the shoreline
- Use the clearly marked recycling stations, not City bins, at the Start and Finish Line
- Dispose of all recyclable food in recycling stations and garbage at green waste stations
Runner Etiquette
Please be respectful of others when running and follow the runner etiquette notes below:
- Allow faster participants to line up at the front of your designated corral
- Allow other runners to pass on your left and do not block the race course
- For safety, headphones are discouraged. Enjoy the race environment!
- Pass on the left and indicate with verbal cues to others around you
- Do not block the aid station tables, and please thank the volunteers
- If you dispose of items or warm layers, do so by clearly marked recycling stations, not on-course
It is the RUNVAN® mission to deliver premiere running events that inspire active lifestyles and invite the world to experience Vancouver! Please help our non-profit host a great event for all participants and volunteers.
In the Marathon and Half Marathon courses, RUNVAN® Pacers are located in each corral to help you maintain your pace and finish with your goal time!
Most pace groups will offer continuous running. Some Pacers will follow ’10s and 1s’, walking 10 min; walking 1 min, or both options. Look for the Pacer signs that say Walk Run.
Marathon Times
3:10, 3:20, 3:30, 3:45, 3:50, 4:00, 4:05, 4:10, 4:15, 4:30, 4:30 run/walk, 4:45, 5:00, 5:00 run/walk, 5:45
Half Marathon Times
1:30, 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:05, 2:10, 2:15, 2:15 run/walk, 2:20, 2:20 run/walk, 2:30, 2:30run/walk
0:35, 0:40, 0:45
Water & Aid Stations
Thousands of volunteers will cheer you on and keep you hydrated and energized on Race Day! Spread out along the course, aid stations will be fully stocked with a variety of Nuun Electrolytes, Xact Nutrition and water, in this order. Check out the course map for exact locations. The Nuun Hydration flavour will likely be lemon lime, while Xact Nutrition will likely share apricot, orange and strawberry flavours.
RockDoc Medical Team will be out on course and at the Finish Line to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort.
Need to take a pit stop? Pit Stop Portables will help provide toilets at numerous stations along the course, plus at the Start and Finish.
Offered on Course
Nuun Electrolytes
Xact Nutrition
First Aid
Block Parties
English Bay (Beach Ave & Gilford )
8:30am – 1:30pm
Kitsilano (Cornwall & Arbutus St)
9:30am – 1:30pm
Cambie Street (Cambie Street & W 39th Ave)
8:30am – 10:30am
Devonian Park (Coal Harbour, 1929 W Georgia on Seawall)
8:00am – 3:00pm
Street Festival + Victory Plaza (Downtown, W Hastings & Burrard)
8:00am – 3:00pm
Contests – Enter for your chance to win
Post your pics on social for the chance to win daily prize draws all of race week @bmovanmarathon #bmovm
The event included amazing prizes in 2024 including from Turkish Airlines who provided four flight tickets including 2 Business Class tickets! Stay tuned for new contesting.
The event will also be giving out prizing at the Finish Line and Street Festival. Join in!
Real-time tracking will be available on Race Day through the RTRT app! Your friends and family can also cheer you on virtually through our livefeed.
After your race, visit the Results Tent at the Finish Line Street Festival or check online to find your official finish time at
Timing Mat Locations
Start Line, 10KM, 21.1KM, 30KM, 40KM, Finish Line
Half Marathon
Start Line, 5.5KM, 10KM, Finish Line
Finish Line
The downtown Finish Line features thousands of spectators, entertainment, and a Street Festival presented by Downtown Van. You’ll be congratulated by cheers, receive your medal, have a photo opportunity, and enjoy food and water.
Note: The Runner’s Compound is available to runners, staff, and media only. Keep moving forward once you cross the Finish Line and meet your friends at the Street Festival.
Once you pick-up your finisher food, you may proceed to Gear Check or exit the compound. You may not re-enter the compound once you exit and enter the Street Festival. Spectators may watch on W Pender St before the Finish Line, between Georgia and Bute St.
W Pender St –
between Bute & Thurlow St
Prestons Restaurant + Lounge Vancouver at the Coast Hotel is also offering all day Happy Hour with sightlines to the finish.
Street Festival + Victory Plaza
Near the Finish Line, spectators may find entertainment, food sampling, and souvenirs, at the downtown Street Festival.
Stretching from Burrard to Bute, W Hastings St turns into a family-friendly Street Festival on race day. The Street Festival builds on the spirit of celebration that Vancouverites experienced during the Olympics. Nearly 90,000 spectators are expected to take in the atmosphere. New this year, is also Victory Plaza by Jack Poole Plaza.
Meet up with your friends and family after the race and find vendors, food trucks, and more.
Age Category Awards
Male, female and non-binary runners are automatically entered into the following competitive age groups:
U19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 80-84; 85-89; 90-94; 95-99; 100+
Winners will be recognized and first place finishers will receive entry into the following year’s race, plus Age Category 1, 2, 3 receive bonus medals! Chip time, not gun time, determine age group awards. Age Category Medals will be available for pickup from the Results Tent on Race Day at the Victory Plaza!
Overall placements are determined by gun time. Overall Male and Female Champions will also be awarded on-stage race day near the Finish Line:
- 9:15am – Half Marathon Championship Presentation
- 11:45am – Marathon Championship Presentation
View results at
Wear your race bib number on the front of your shirt and do not cover the bib. Your race bib includes an embedded timing chip and your bib number will help identify your photos. Individual race photos will be available for purchase.
Share your favourite race moments with us #bmovm
Get notifications when your race day images are added in real-time! Fans can subscribe to see your photos as they’re captured in real-time. Submit your bib number below for details.
Smile for the cameras! 🙂
View your results at
Smile for the cameras! 🙂
With the purchase of a food item, you may enjoy one celebratory 16oz sleeve of beer if of age at Stanley Park Brewing Restaurant and Brewpub (8901 Stanley Park Dr, Vancouver, BC V6G 3E2). Bib = Beer at Stanley Park Brewpub. 19+ only. No cash value. Valid for a limited time. Restrictions apply.
Offer is one per person, dine-in only, valid for one-time redemption from May 5 – June 5. Promo cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. Must be of legal drinking age in BC.
Share your stories on social @runvancanada #runvan

BMO Perks
Title partner BMO will be at the Expo with some cool gifts for runners. Look for BMO brand ambassadors onsite to learn more. Also, visit the BMO booth at the Expo to see a cool photo wall and grab your BMO Cheer Signs #BMOVM

REFER others for a chance to win
Share your Referral Tracking Promotional Link from your Confirmation Email if you’re already registered, or ‘Sign in’ to your Race Roster Dashboard. The more friends you refer, the more chances to win.
Refer a friend and you’ll both be eligible to win prizes!
Contesting closed once the event hits sellout capacity limits.
Join in
Cheer Loud
Cheer by the course, at the Block Parties, Street Festival, and celebrate at the Victory Plaza.