Official Blog

Run4Hope: Habitat for Humanity

Run4Hope: Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity: Help break the cycle of poverty At Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver, our goal is to get families in need into safe, decent and affordable homes. To do so, we work alongside our community partners, volunteers and skilled tradespeople to...

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Run4Hope: CMHA Pandemonium Program

Run4Hope: CMHA Pandemonium Program

Canadian Mental Health Association: Open your eyes to Pandemonium  Children and youth living with anxiety disorders experience social isolation and stigmatization. Normal daily activities such as making friends and engaging in recreational or school activities can be...

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A little Faith can go a long way

A little Faith can go a long way

Run 4 Hope for Those on the Lifetime Journey of Down Syndrome "It takes a special person to have faith," says David Gazzola. And he would know. 14 years ago, his wife Dorothy suffered a miscarriage at the 3-month mark. Three years later, with another baby on the way,...

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#RunVan Contest

#RunVan Contest

#RunVan Contest Simply like us on Facebook to enter!  [fblike url="https://www.facebook.com/BMOVanMarathon?ref=br_tf" style="standard" showfaces="false" width="450" verb="like" font="arial"] To reward our social media followers we will be giving away one FREE...

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An Inspiring Story

"I've Been Waiting For This My Whole Life" Sonja Baikogli's Challenging and Emotional Journey to the Finish Line May 4th, 2014 marked one of the most incredible days of my life. I woke up at 5 am with my anxiety levels running at an all time high. I had been waiting...

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