U.S Military troops joined the BMO Vancouver Marathon from overseas on May 5th, 2013 Troops honoured the marathon by completing a shadow run in Western Asia Vancouver, BC – May 8, 2013 – U.S Military troops located in the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar participated in the...
Official Blog
Race Day Results
Thomas Omwenga captures his 4th Men’s Marathon Title and new Women’s Champion Crowned at BMO Vancouver Marathon Men’s Half Marathon record falls. Vancouver, BC – May 5, 2013 - Today under brilliant sunny skies in its 42nd year, the BMO Vancouver Marathon welcomed...
Lori Wong will run her 100th Marathon on May 5, 2013
Vancouver Woman to run 100th Marathon at the BMO Vancouver Marathon Sunday, May 5, 2013 Vancouver, BC – April 30, 2013 – Lori Wong, a 60-year-old retiree from Vancouver, ran her first marathon in Vancouver in 1990. On Sunday, May 5 she will run her 100th marathon at...
Guest Blog- Joanne Gassman
Joanne Gassman Who wouldn’t love to get up at 5:45 a.m. during the weekdays to run around the Stanley Park Seawall? Well, the second part is true at least – the seawall run is one of my favourite parts of the day in training for the BMO Vancouver Marathon’s half...
Starbucks gears up to motivate 17,000+ runners
Starbucks gears up to motivate 17,000+ runners and build community spirit at the BMO VancouveMarathon Neighbourhood cheer signs available at 11 Starbucks in Vancouver Vancouver, BC – April 23, 2013 – Bringing people and neighbourhoods together to cheer on runners at...
2013 Race Photos
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Medals & Shirts for 2013
2013 Shirts, Medals & Bibs Medals Medals take on many meanings to runners, whether they are a symbol of accomplishment, a keepsake or a collector’s item. The 2013 BMO Vancouver Marathon finisher medals will surely surprise you this year with their new and...
Charity Runner Spotlight: Billie Murphy-Team Fox
RUN4HOPE I have been a runner for many years. When not running, I teach dance, movement, yoga, and theatre to children and a few grown-ups. In my professional life, I see the positive results of using our bodies every day in my students and myself. Needless to say, my...
Music Challenge is on…30 groups are ready to entertain on May 5.
Thirty music groups are scheduled to perform and compete at the BMO Vancouver Marathon for $5,000 in cash prizes Organizers listened to past participants asking for more motivational entertainment along the route Runners will vote for Music Challenge winners...
Charity Runner Spotlight: Sharee Proudfoot – Josh Platzer Society for Teen Suicide Prevention & Awareness
[pinterest count="horizontal" float="left"] [fblike style="button_count" showfaces="false" width="150" verb="like" font="arial"] RUN4HOPE My career has involved...
Official Charity Spotlight- Heifer International Canada
[pinterest count="horizontal" float="left"] [fblike style="button_count" showfaces="false" width="150" verb="like" font="arial"] Heifer International Canada Heifer...
$10,000 to be awarded to community groups
$10,000 awarded to community groups at the 2013 BMO Vancouver Marathon New Community Awards encourage volunteerism and bolsters community spirit. Vancouver, BC – March 19, 2013 – The new Community Awards will allot a total of $10,000 to community groups to celebrate...