Community Charity Spotlight: BC Cancer Foundation

Vancouver, BC – January 21, 2013

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BC Cancer Foundation

BC Cancer Foundation

Pairing a passion for running with support of your charity of choice is a powerful way to make a difference in the community. The BC Cancer Foundation is proud to be a beneficiary of the 2013 BMO Vancouver Marathon and with your support we can improve the lives of those diagnosed with cancer here in our province.

There are very few able to say that cancer has not affected their family. As the number one cause of death in our country, many are too familiar with the stat that one in three British Columbians will hear the words, “you have cancer”, in their life-time. People like Mark Applejohn, who struggled with the idea of telling his wife that he has been diagnosed with advanced neck cancer. Mark’s oncologist told him that typically, with his type of cancer, he had a 50/50 chance of being alive within two years.

Fortunately, for Mark and the thousands who survive their cancer each year, cancer care in our province is top-notch, informed by the latest cancer research breakthroughs that happen across the province in BC Cancer Agency research facilities.


Mark is alive today, over three years after his diagnosis, thanks to advancements being made here in B.C. Research is working. Treatments are more effective, have fewer side effects and are allowing people to live longer with a better quality of life. World-first discoveries emerging from the BC Cancer Agency happen when BC Cancer Foundation donor dollars are invested into game changing efforts.

The BC Cancer Foundation was recently selected as a Top Pick by Charity Intelligence Canada for its ability to fund high-impact cancer research initiatives that result in direct benefits for patients and their families across BC.

By supporting the BC Cancer Foundation through your participation in the BMO Vancouver Marathon, you are improving the lives of over 24,000 British Columbians who will be diagnosed with cancer this year.

We welcome you to visit our website at www.bccancerfoundation.com to learn more about the priority research areas for 2013.


Donate to Great Causes

The BC Cancer Foundation does amazing things for our community and the communities they serve. Support them and give back by making a donation during registration. To make additional donations after registration or to invite family and friends to donate, visit our Donate Now page. Thank you for helping to make a great impact for our community!


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