At Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School (KGMS) we tailor the education experience to meet the diverse educational needs of neurodiverse learners. Education is not, nor should ever be, a one size fits all proposition. Our students are talented, capable and engaged. They have the potential to be independent, successful adults well prepared for life beyond the classroom.

KGMS is a non-profit, K-12 co-educational day school located in the Maplewood neighbourhood of North Vancouver, BC. We are one of the few dedicated Special Education schools in British Columbia, with one of the lowest student-teacher ratios in the province. KGMS is uniquely positioned to adapt our educational programs to meet the needs of individual learners. Our well supported academic program allows us to build a strong foundation for all students that helps develop key skills that build confidence that drives success. This year, we are celebrating 50 years of service in education for neuro-diverse students in the Greater Vancouver Area.
We follow the BC Ministry of Education Curriculum, while adapting and differentiating instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. We incorporate Orton-Gillingham Methodology, Universal Design for Learning, and Social-Emotional Education to deliver a comprehensive educational experience. Our educational staff consists of teachers, tutors, counsellors, resource personnel and specialists. Our educators work in a collaborative professional environment to nurture the academic, physical and emotional needs of our students.
I have the honour of being the current Head of School at KGMS. Many years ago I had the privilege of working at KGMS in a teaching role and as I moved on to new opportunities and challenges, I have always kept an eye on this amazing educational institution.
KGMS has held firm to its commitment to educating exceptional students. It has grown and adapted, it has expanded its breadth of programs and it has opened its doors wide to welcome diverse learners. KGMS is a special place where students feel welcome, they connect with others, they find community and gain confidence. As students experience success and feel supported, self-efficacy increases, confidence is demonstrated, and students learn to take the necessary risks that drive them to meet their full potential.
A great education should prepare students for the challenges they will encounter in the future. A great student approaches challenges with an open mind and hard work. At KGMS we not only provide an individualised education that meets the developmental needs of the student, but we support the individual in their self-advocacy, social emotional growth and academic development. Our students learn to connect effort and commitment to success, to understand their strengths, and advocate for the tools they need to succeed. At KGMS all students find their voice.
A Universal Design for Learning approach helps students interact with the curriculum in ways that are meaningful. The environment is responsive to the learner and students are provided with opportunities to utilise their particular strengths to access the curriculum. At KGMS we bring counsellors, occupational therapists, developmental specialists, and speech and language pathologists into the classroom to teach and consult with our classroom based educators. We are not teaching the curriculum, we are educating the whole child.
Our 1:1 Tutoring program supports individual learning, is tailored to the stretches of each student, and sequentially builds both academic and social emotional skills. Students experience 1:1 Instruction, small group targeted intervention and whole class teaching and learning.
We continue to expand the breadth of our Athletics, Outdoor Education and Performing Arts programs, helping students develop the skills to work collaboratively to meet goals and objectives.
Over 18,000 students across British Columbia have been diagnosed with a learning disability. These students, like the ones at KGMS, are full of potential but face a variety of challenges that often require specialised and innovative educational approaches. Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School envisions a brighter future for these children, and are determined to ensure that every student has access to our program.
We are excited to be running in the BMO RUN4HOPE once again this year as a Gold Featured Charity. Team KGMS is made up of over 20 staff members, students and families who are running to raise funds for our students and our school. We value our community and together, we can continue to change the lives of students who are struggling with their learning.