Run4Hope: Down Syndrome Research Foundation

Vancouver, BC – February 4, 2015

Run4Hope for Those on the Lifetime Journey of Down Syndrome

When David entered school, his parents Rose Marie and Steve faced a common problem. “Kids weren’t understanding him, so David would act out in the classroom,” says Rose Marie.

Like most children with Down syndrome, David struggled with reading. However, when David was in grade 4, he began to exhibit a strong desire to learn to read. He would often pull out chapter books and sit on the couch, pretending to read them like his sisters did. So when his mom heard that the Down Syndrome Research Foundation was starting a new one-to-one reading program, she jumped at the opportunity.

DSRF’s reading program has helped unleash David’s incredible potential.

The progress that David has made since starting the program is remarkable. He’s learned to read many words, and Steve notes, “His vocabulary has expanded enormously. The chatter that goes on around the house now is just great.”

Rose Marie credits DSRF with helping David progress in both his confidence and his skills. “I appreciate everything about DSRF’s programs,” she says. “They’ve been a lifesaver for our family. We’ve noticed David grow so much since he started there; he’s very confident in himself now.” Adds Steve: “It’s a really caring environment. It’s like another home for him.”

Like all parents, Rose Marie and Steve want nothing more than for David to live a happy and fulfilling life, as independently as possible. At DSRF, they have found the support they need to make this dream a reality. “We’re just so grateful that we have somewhere like DSRF that we can turn to,” says Rose Marie. “We plan to continue taking David there for many years to come.”

Every day, stories like David’s are written at DSRF. Individuals with Down syndrome have tremendous potential. Through DSRF’s innovative marriage of research and customized educational programming, students gain the skills and confidence to become contributing members of the community.

As you achieve your goal of competing in the BMO Vancouver Marathon, you can make dreams come true for individuals with Down syndrome and their families, by participating in the RUN4HOPE on behalf of the Down Syndrome Research Foundation.

As a DSRF Charity Runner, participants commit to raising a minimum of $250 dollars for the Down Syndrome Research Foundation. DSRF directly supports our runners to help make your fundraising a success. Specifically, DSRF will provide:

  • a customized fundraising web page
  • promotion through DSRF’s website, Facebook and Twitter
  • regular e-mails from DSRF with fundraising tips and encouragement
  • a DSRF “hand in hand” pin
  • the satisfaction of helping young people with Down syndrome reach their full potential, and the greatest cheering section you can imagine during the race

Please join us, and run hand in hand with those on the lifetime journey of Down syndrome.



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Down Syndrome Research Foundation

Helping Individuals with Down Syndrome Reach Their Full Potential

Our mission is to empower individuals with Down syndrome to reach their full potential throughout life by pioneering and providing educational programs and services, grounded in foundational research. Working with researchers, professionals and families, we are a bridge between research and practice.

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