Over $14.9 million has been raised for charitable causes by runners through our RUN4HOPE program. Learn more and become a charity runner here. BC CANCER FOUNDATION: HELPING CHANGE THE OUTCOME FOR BC FAMILIES FACING CANCER New research has projected that one in two...
Official Blog
RUN4HOPE: Canuck Place Children’s Hospice
Over $14.9 million has been raised for charitable causes by runners through our RUN4HOPE program. Learn more and become a charity runner here. CANUCK PLACE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE: THE IMPACT OF RECREATION THERAPY [twocol_one] [/twocol_one] Recreation therapy at Canuck...
BMO Vancouver Marathon to host BC Championships with BC Athletics
BMO Vancouver Marathon to host BC Championships with BC Athletics BC's best will meet in Vancouver to compete for the BC Marathon Championship title Vancouver, BC – November 17, 2017 – BC Athletics and RUNVAN®, the non-profit organizers of Western Canada’s largest...
BMO Vancouver Marathon adds to accolades
BMO Vancouver Marathon adds to accolades Voted ‘Best of’ for a third consecutive year Vancouver, BC – September 21, 2017 – BMO Vancouver Marathon race weekend adds to its list of accolades and has been voted “Vancouver’s Best Running Race” for the third-consecutive...
Stunning Running. 2018 BMO Vancouver Marathon Official On-sale
Stunning Running. BMO Vancouver Marathon registration opens for 2018 Vancouver’s only Marathon is back for its 47th year, registration opens early on Thursday Vancouver, BC – September 19, 2017 – The BMO Vancouver Marathon is back on May 6, 2018, and registration...
Instagram Posts from the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon
Instagram Posts from the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon Very special #medalmonday ?...I earned this medal ? and will never forget this experience. I'm fascinated with the marathon and look forward to my next marathon adventure!!! Thanks @bmovanmarathon for an awesome...
2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon Photos
Organized annually by the local non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society, BMO Vancouver Marathon weekend had lots of photographers and videographers out on race day. Highlight pics are below. To see more, be sure to us on social @bmovanmarathon #bmovm...
BMO Vancouver Marathon surrounded by community love
BMO Vancouver Marathon surrounded by community love Most countries ever represented, 100,000th Marathoner finisher, Marriage on Marathon, and many more great stories mark Vancouver’s Marathon weekend Vancouver, BC - May 7, 2017 Vancouver’s only Marathon event, the BMO...
Marathon Marriage
Couple will say "I do" at KM 32! Anthony Johnson and James Makokis will tie the knot on-route to conquering the BMO Vancouver Marathon on May 7! The couple will run the first 32KM as an engaged couple, stop to have an official wedding ceremony with friends in...
Runners Not Required – How to enjoy Marathon weekend
Vancouver’s only marathon event will welcome runners from over 60 countries, but you don’t have to run to enjoy the festivities Not running this weekend? You can still enjoy the fun and free Marathon festivities going on all week. Come see the 100,00th Marathoner...
You can win when you cheer on runners at the BMO Vancouver Marathon, May 7!
Spectators can compete for prizing with the Community Cheer Challenge presented by Chevron If you’re not one of the thousands running in the BMO Vancouver Marathon, Half Marathon, 8KM or Relay this weekend, you can still join the fun! Visit the free Health &...
Olympic Race Walkers To Walk the BMO Vancouver Marathon
Canadian Olympic Athlete Evan Dunfee will be race walking the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon. Photo: courtesy of Evan Dunfee OLYMPIC RACE WALKERS TO WALK THE BMO VANCOUVER MARATHON World-class race walkers, Evan Dunfee of Canada and Marc Mundell of South Africa will be...