Official Blog

PABC: Preventing Injuries

PABC: Preventing Injuries

PABC: How A Simple Foam Roller Prevent & Address Common Running Injuries Whether you are new to running or a seasoned pro, everyone eventually experiences tight, sore muscles when training for a race. Unfortunately sometimes those tight muscles, which can feel...

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RUN4HOPE: Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

RUN4HOPE: Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

RUN4HOPE to make a difference in the lives of others and save 40% on your race registration! Sign up today and run for one of 15 charities including Canuck Place Children's Hospice! Enjoying the now at Canuck Place Children's Hospice At Canuck Place Children’s...

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RUN4HOPE: Canadian Mental Health Association

RUN4HOPE: Canadian Mental Health Association

RUN4HOPE to make a difference in the lives of others and save 40% on your race registration! Sign up today and run for one of 15 charities including Canadian Mental Health Association! YOU CAN HELP CREATE A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR YOUTH IN OUR COMMUNITIES In Canada, 3.2...

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Top clean-air race

Top clean-air race

BMO Vancouver Marathon ranked Top 10 international clean-air race New study ranks the largest 158 marathons in the World based on air quality Vancouver, BC – December 11, 2015 - In a new study comparing the air quality of the largest 158 marathons in the world, the...

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“Perfect destination race vacation”

“Perfect destination race vacation”

BMO Vancouver Marathon named a “perfect destination race vacation” Ranked by Canadian Running Magazine as one of “Canada’s Gold Label Races” Vancouver BC – November 26th, 2015 – Canada’s national running magazine has named the BMO Vancouver Marathon one of “Canada’s...

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RUN4HOPE: Team Diabetes

RUN4HOPE: Team Diabetes

RUN4HOPE to make a difference in the lives of others and save 40% on your race registration! Sign up today and run for one of 15 charities including Team Diabetes! Team Diabetes: Living without limits Being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 12 is an...

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Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

RUN4HOPE to make a difference in the lives of others and save 40% on your race registration! Sign up today and run for one of 15 charities! At Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, we make a difference for BC’s children and families. We provide critical care for children...

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