Dedicated volunteer Kerry Kunzli prefers wheels to running shoes. Kerry Kunzli might spend more time with his feet clipped into pedals than on the ground, but that doesn't stop him from enlisting as a volunteer for the BMO Vancouver Marathon. The cycling coach and...
Official Blog
Press Release – New electrolyte drink, Ultima Replenisher at the 2014 BMO Vancouver Marathon
New electrolyte drink, Ultima Replenisher will fuel and hydrate runners on-course at the 2014 BMO Vancouver Marathon Vancouver, BC – January 15, 2014 – As the official electrolyte sport drink of the BMO Vancouver Marathon, Ultima Replenisher will play an important...
A Community Effort
A Home Represents More Than Just a Place to Live Carl Eden started volunteering with Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver (HFHGV) in 2000 and hasn’t stopped since. He has contributed over 5,000 hours to help build our Government Street townhomes that now provide...
Press Release – RUN4HOPE Charity Program enable charities to raise money for social good
Choose your Distance, Choose your Cause: RUN4HOPE Charity program strives to enable charities to raise $1 million for social good Vancouver, BC – December 7 2013 – Featuring a total of 25 RUN4HOPE charities, BMO Vancouver Marathon participants can choose to fundraise...
A place to call home
The Gilkyson's Story Canuck Place Children’s Hospice is so proud to be chosen as a 2014 BMO Vancouver Marathon National Charity for their RUN4HOPE charity program. With the support of our charity runners, we can continue to provide specialized paediatric palliative...
Emma’s Home Away From Home
Meet Emma – A Cancer Survivor and RMH BC kid "On October 1st, 2012, I was working abroad when my wife, Diane contacted me with devastating news. Our daughter, Emma had been diagnosed with brain cancer and flown to BC Children’s Hospital the same day. I booked flights...
Press Release – 2013 Event brings over $50 million to Metro Vancouver
Vancouver, BC – November 12, 2013 – The BMO Vancouver Marathon has emerged as a major economic driver in Metro Vancouver. According to a new economic report, the 2013 event contributed nearly $53.6 million to the region thanks to spending by runners, supporters,...
Watch the 2013 Video!
[twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] Are you ready to RUNVAN ? MAY 4, 2014 [hr] [/twocol_one_last] Marathon: capped at 5,000 Imagine a...
Unleashing the UPside of Down Syndrome
[twocol_one] Run 4 Hope for Those on the Lifetime Journey of Down Syndrome When David entered school, his parents Rose Marie and Steve faced a common problem. "Kids weren't understanding him, so David would act out in the classroom," says Rose Marie. Like most...
Win the Elite Treatment
Close your eyes...Here it is...It’s Monday, April 28,'s race week. You’ve been training for months now. Cold weather, hot weather, you’ve done your hill training, your intervals, your long distance run. Training with the Running Room has helped you...
$10,000 given during the Community Awards
Five winning groups selected for the Community Awards, receiving a total of $10,000 for their volunteer efforts at the BMO Vancouver Marathon BMO Bank of Montreal supports community groups with prize money Vancouver, BC – May 21, 2013 – Five community organizations...
The British Consul General in 2013
From talking to himself to the amazing feeling of crossing the line, Rupert Potter, British Consul General Vancouver writes about his experience at the BMO Vancouver Marathon on May 5, 2013. It surely is an experience to remember! “Why am I doing this?” I ask. There’s...