City of Vancouver and Translink to continue road closures at key sections Following last year’s success, local event organizers will continue a traffic control plan for the BMO Vancouver Marathon and Half Marathon that allows runners to race through Vancouver’s...
Official Blog
Milestone Alert! 100,000th Marathoner to be celebrated at this year’s BMO Vancouver Marathon
100,000th Marathon finisher to win an Air France flight for two to Paris and more! Vancouver, BC - April 28 - With a rich history that dates back to 1972, Vancouver's only Marathon event is set to welcome its 100,000th Marathon finisher on Sunday, May 7, 2017! To...
RUN4HOPE surpasses $150,000 raised this year, pushes total over $14.75 Million
Runners have fundraised over $14.75 million since 1996 through the BMO Vancouver Marathon’s RUN4HOPE program Over $150,000 has already been raised by RUN4HOPE charity runners at the BMO Vancouver Marathon this year. The RUN4HOPE program is now totaling over $14.75...
Olympians Wodak, Stellingwerff and Brooking boost staked field
New additions stack women’s Half Marathon field at the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon The new additions of Canadian Olympians Natasha Wodak and Hilary Stellingwerff, plus the return of BC Half Marathon champion Lisa Brooking, adds to a stacked field of championship...
New Prestige Club offers one-of-a-kind experience at BMO Vancouver Marathon and Half Marathon
Enhanceyour race experience with an exclusive VIP treatment on race weekend An exclusive group will enjoy the new Prestige Club VIP race weekend experience this year at the BMO Vancouver Marathon and Half Marathon with an incredible post-race celebration at the host...
Stacked Field for the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon
Stacked Field for the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon and Half Marathon Favourites set their sights on the BMO Vancouver Marathon and BC Half Marathon Championships, May 7 With new Canadian Olympians in the field, and the return of last year’s champions, this year's BMO...
Featured Athlete: Olympian Evan Dunfee
Canadian Olympic Athlete Evan Dunfee will be race walking the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon. Photo: courtesy of Evan Dunfee In his words: I am actually here this year in Vancouver, which made it an easy decision. I think I have been away the last three years for it so...
Featured Athlete: Canada’s Catrin Jones
"There is nothing quite like being a part of a big event like this one," says top marathoner and now mother-to-be Catrin Jones. "I still hope, if my body allows, to be running the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon or 8KM..." Jones, a multiple Top 5 finisher at the BMO...
2017 Medals ‘Stunning Running’
‘Stunning Running‘ by RUNVAN® RUNVAN® releases, ‘Stunning Running‘, the design concept for the 2017 BMO Vancouver Marathon medals. Inspired by the natural and urban beauty of Vancouver, the artwork depicts the city’s beautiful mountains, skyline and waterfront...
Event Notice: Marathon and Half Marathon to run short – JK!
BMO Vancouver Marathon event organizers will run Vancouver’s world-class Marathon and Half Marathon courses short in 2017, rounding the event distances down respectively to 40KM and 20KM, instead of the traditional 42.2KM and 21.1KM. Runners will now receive two...
RUN4HOPE: Down Syndrome Research Foundation
CHARITY PROGRAM: Down Syndrome Research Foundation More than $14.5 million dollars has been raised for charities at the BMO Vancouver Marathon through the non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society’s Run4Hope program. Make Dreams Come True for Those on the...
More Music and Entertainment added to Stanley Park
More Music and Entertainment added to Stanley Park for BMO Vancouver Marathon Race Weekend Stanley Park to feature an additional four music stations this year; Now over 35 entertainment total groups on race course You asked for more entertainment, and BMO Vancouver...