What a tough couple of years. As the pandemic has raged through the community the toll on mental health has slowly burned through our community. As May approaches and the BMO Vancouver Marathon celebrates its 50th year we are thrilled to be part of the team pounding...
Official Blog
Father & Son: Making Memories at Canuck Place
Warren Martel’s 16-year-old son Griffin came to Canuck Place when he was just 18-months-old. At that time, Griffin’s future was rapidly declining and there was little hope for a cure of his complex condition and seizure disorder. With the support of physicians and...
Help Shed Light on Schizophrenia, One Step at A Time
Did you know that 1 in 100 people live with schizophrenia? Did you know that schizophrenia affects around 52,000 individuals, and their families, across BC? Despite how common it is, schizophrenia is still highly stigmatised and misunderstood. It is not multiple...
Running towards a cure for cancer
Over 30,000 British Columbians will hear the words “You have cancer” from their doctor this year. But there is hope — and you can help by putting one foot in front of the other in the BMO Vancouver Marathon RUN4HOPE to help fuel leaps and bounds in life-saving cancer...
BMO Vancouver Marathon 2021 Medals and Merchandise
All runners receive the official BMO Vancouver Marathon 2021 tech tee, plus a bonus medal and race wrap is included with the Dynasty. Run Happy and Dynasty runners further receive a bonus Run Happy singlet included with race entry. Medals may be purchased in the race...
Take Out to Help Out
To continue supporting local businesses, the BMO Vancouver Marathon has partnered with Downtown Vancouver BIA to promote the association’s Take Out to Help out event.
Virtual Running Advisor Program from Running Room
Below are some bonus tips from the Running Room who are also offering a free Virtual Running Advisor Program featuring gait analysis and running advice.
Brooks ‘Run Happy’ Scavenger Hunt
BMO Vancouver Marathon Brooks 'Run Happy' Scavenger Hunt Run Happy! Join in the new BMO Vancouver Marathon Brooks 'Run Happy' Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a pair of Brooks Running shoes! How to Enter At the BMO Vancouver Marathon Virtual Race - pre, during or...
6 Tips for a successful virtual race
6 TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL VIRTUAL RACE Thanks for joining us for this year’s BMO Vancouver Marathon Virtual Race! Registered runners have the opportunity to complete this race on their own, at their place and pace of choice! Choose your own race day, your own Start and...
RUN4HOPE: St. John Ambulance, BC & Yukon
RUN4HOPE is the charity program of the BMO Vancouver Marathon, with goals to raise funds for social impact and community good, plus foster a spirit of community celebration. RUN4HOPE provides value to charities, and charitable options for participants, enabling...
RUN4HOPE: Canuck Place Children’s Hospice
RUN4HOPE is the charity program of the BMO Vancouver Marathon, with goals to raise funds for social impact and community good, plus foster a spirit of community celebration. RUN4HOPE provides value to charities, and charitable options for participants, enabling...
2020 Medal Reveal
2020 MEDAL REVEAL Inspired by the city's iconic landmarks, the 2020 BMO Vancouver Marathon medals showcase the stunning views and landscapes that line the award-winning course from start to finish. Each race features a different design, unique to the local attractions...