Official Blog

Run4Hope: CMHA

Run4Hope: CMHA

Andrew Woods shares his story, Out of the Shadows – Triumph over mental illness and addiction There was a time when I lived without hope. Mental illness had come at me like a streak of forked lightning striking at the heart of my youth. The University of Victoria had...

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Run4Hope: Down Syndrome Research Foundation

Run4Hope: Down Syndrome Research Foundation

Run4Hope for Those on the Lifetime Journey of Down Syndrome When David entered school, his parents Rose Marie and Steve faced a common problem. "Kids weren't understanding him, so David would act out in the classroom," says Rose Marie. Like most children with Down...

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SportMedBC Presents Speaker Series

SportMedBC Presents Speaker Series

SportMedBC Presents New Speaker Series for 2015 BMO Vancouver Marathon Informational talks for runners by certified sports medical professionals will occur monthly leading up to marathon weekend Vancouver, BC – January 8, 2015 – Runners gearing up for the 2015 BMO...

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Run4Hope: Team in Training

Run4Hope: Team in Training

Team in Training: Train Together to Beat Cancer Whether you are a beginner runner looking to achieve a 5KM or a veteran looking to qualify for Boston; the BMO Vancouver Marathon is surely an event not to miss. You will have the chance to experience Canada’s most...

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Run4Hope: Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Run4Hope: Canuck Place Children’s Hospice

Canuck Place: Helping Children be Children this Holiday Season At Canuck Place Children’s Hospice (CPCH), we make a difference for BC’s children and families. We provide critical care for children with life-threatening illnesses in our two provincial locations and in...

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